Based on Spain 1980
Trigo Limpio — Quédate esta noche
I was scared
It flew through the window
Oh so scared
Pigeon by the window
What to do?
This was not same window
I say, bird
Go to other window
Bird can’t hear
Flies against the window
I explain
Bird prefers closed window
I get stressed
Just like bird in window
Must help bird
Leave through open window
It was a Sunday just like any other
I had just laid down for a nap
But there was booming and banging
And also some clanging before I got up
Out of the bedroom I wonder ‘¿Qué pasa?’
At first I had thought something fell down
But soon I saw what had gone on in my casa
The pigeon looked at me with a frown
¿No, por qué?
Should have closed the window
Sunny June
Left that open window
Pigeon bird
Flew in from the window
So I’m screwed
By the stupid window
Windows may not be so smart
The bird does fly into the glass
Go where y’got in, to start?
Please don’t panic too hard
Fast beat both of our hearts, you trespass
Pigeon’s way out is so close
Go to your freedom right there
The fresh air you can feel and the wind on your wings
Just go more to the right, my Miguel
Please just stop
Flying on the window
Let me guide
To the open window
Give me trust
I point to the window
It’s alright
Look, the other window
Now I see
Bird shit by the window
Don’t be scared
Just fly out the window
My Miguel
Bird there by the window
I named you
Weird, I know, but window
Come on now
The wide open window
Yes, that’s right
Move toward the window
Inch by inch
Closer to the window
There you go
Up and out the window
Bye, Miguel!