Armenian Genocide

Based on Denmark 2007

It was the systemic mass-extermination
Of half the Armenian nation
All discussion of it’s banned by Turkish law
Though it’s First World War
Feelings are still raw

The Armenian Genocide
1.5 million people died
Or no-one at all
If you ask in Üsküdar
The Armenian Genocide
Nor pars were chopped off left and right
And all the jan jans set alight

Starting in Abdul Hamid II’s rule
Pogroms were committed that were cruel
One can mourn with candles, even plant a tree
Or most solemnly
At the ESC

The Armenian Genocide
1.5 million people died
All were very old
Scholars say in Ankara
The Armenian Genocide
Spread diaspora far and wide
To write vague songs about their plight

The Young Turks’ objective:
No names ending “ian” in sight
Not exactly a Turkish delight

The Armenian Genocide
1.5 million people died
From Sivas to Van
All used to be Hayastan
The Armenian Genocide
Spared just 400,000 lives
That’s why it’s wrong to trivialise

Doh-oh-ohn’t deny (nuh-ny)
Armenian Genocide